Think and Grow Rich Review

To do this review, I have read the book three times. In addition, I have prepared an online summary and have applied its lessons for real.

What is the book about?

Think and Grow Rich aims at unveiling a method for becoming successful in life. This approach is based upon a positive mental attitude and constant drilling.

Accomplishment is understood in its broadest meaning, ranging from money to spirituality.

Why Think and Grow Rich is so famous?

If you could ask which book has created more millionaires in the History of western countries, the answer would undisputedly be “Think and Grow Rich.” No doubt.

How is the book structured?

The book is structured in a series of short stories of prosperous American businessmen and women who started from scratch, alternating with explanations and tips. Finally, the book describes a pseudo-scientific methodology to think wise and become wealthy.

Who is this book for?

This book is for individuals who want to accomplish an essential purpose in their life. It can be anything between a significant pay raise and becoming a sports champion. Sure, becoming a millionaire is included in the above. And the uncomfortable truth is it works very well.

If you are determined to think your way to wealth, you should do whatever it takes to understand Napoleon Hill’s message, even if the book may be somewhat unclear.

You can also quickly begin with this summary.

If it is not your case, it’s still an excellent book. It will surely help you understand the skills and mental effort required to grow rich and maintain a fortune over time (much more difficult). In addition, you will understand the keys to positive thinking.

What is the secret in Think and Grow Rich?

The hidden secret is you can transform yourself for the better. In the accumulation of riches, the crucial instrument is your intellect. And if your brain is not suitable for that task, you can adjust it.

Napoleon Hill didn’t want to put it explicitly because readers would not have faith in it. However, it is something you will learn after you master the 13 principles.

Is Think and Grow Rich real?

The book is true-to-life.

It is viable to educate average people so they become outstanding businessmen, just like the Military transforms ordinary men and women into proficient soldiers.

Obviously, after all this preparation, you are not guaranteed billions of dollars. That would be ridiculous. In the same way, some soldiers still get killed in combat.

However, one thing is sure: you will improve a lot, notably if you are not wealthy yet. I have applied the instructions, and I can tell you it works.

How do you use Think and Grow Rich?

If you are determined to stick to this methodology, there is only one way to do it correctly. You must follow the instructions strictly.

Do not think about them too much, do not replace them, do not do it your way. If you intend to obtain results, you must do precisely what it states.

If the book says you memorize a passage, you must do it. If Napoleon Hill says you must repeat a sentence aloud every day, do it. If the text says you must put in writing some thoughts, do it.

Have no questions or doubts—just the highest obedience and respect. Show total devotion. After a couple of months, you will realize why this is crucial.

What place does Think and Grow Rich take amongst the self-help genre?

“Think and Grow Rich” (1937) is the first book of its kind, considered the first book on personal development.

Numerous people consider it the forerunner of the handbooks on personal achievement, and nearly all individuals who have read it and understood it, agree.

Think and Grow Rich compared to other books by Napoleon Hill.

Think and Grow Rich is more modern than “The Law of Success” (1928).

This book is a refined, more sophisticated version of the “Law of Success.” Instead of just enumerating the 16 points of the Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich aims at being a handbook for sculpting your mindset and finding motivation.

For sure, the 16 lessons are implicitly or explicitly included as well. However, Think and Grow Rich also contains countless examples, findings, and methods for self-evaluation over its 238 pages (for the original version).

From a grammatical and linguistic point of view, this book is substantially superior to the others because it is the only one Napoleon Hill wrote with the help of a qualified editor (his wife, Rosa Lee).


Nothing is perfect, and this book is no exception. Here is why.

The primary problem is this book is not straightforward, and thus it is difficult to understand.

Chapters are not logically built and do not follow a clear structure. On top, sometimes passages may seem obvious. For example, other paragraphs happen to be repetitive.

On the other side, be aware notions and concepts lack proper, accurate definitions. Vocabulary is not concise either. It is by no means a technical book on psychology.

It is a real issue because the reader is forced to jump back and forth as he reads. It produces that sometimes certain sections need to be read twice, and the reader ends up taking notes.

The second concern is not that critical as it is much more biased.

An accurate, in-depth understanding of the 13 principles involves the reader having lived through specific life experiences. Without those experiences, it would be challenging for the reader to catch the author’s real meaning.

Readers who want to apply the lessons will need to show extreme patience. Readers need to be perseverant because they will be asked to carry out repetitive tasks in their daily life. What is more, you will need to be tolerant and open-minded since the book will expect you to adopt a variety of pseudo-mystic approaches.

To conclude, this is an old book dating from the 19th century. You will not find a book that sticks to contemporary standards. Nevertheless, if you are a person who can deal with old literature, then this book is undeniably worth it.

Is Think and Grow Rich worth reading?

Yes, it is worth reading because you can learn how to shape yourself into a much more efficient version of yourself when it comes to making money.

People may not believe it because they never tried hard enough. But if you follow the 13 principles, you will realize the book is surprisingly right.

The question is not whether you can do it. The genuine question is whether you want to do it or not.

Whether you buy it or read it online, make sure you get the entire volume. Beware also of the newest editions, and try to choose a first edition or even a deluxe edition. Modern books tend to replace words and sentences and adapt them to the current language, which might not be beneficial. Just remember, the closer to the first edition, the better.

How long does it take to read Think and Grow Rich?

The ordinary reader can read at a pace of around 250-300 words per minute. Therefore, reading Think and Grow Rich should take him about 6 hours without breaks.

However, this is tricky because such a book cannot be read like a story. This book must be studied and digested carefully. On top, many concepts and ideas are not obvious, may seem confusing, or even incongruent at first sight.

The book doesn’t contain a plot, and the reader should take notes as he reads.

You can expect Think and Grow Rich to be your bedside book for a few months.